Mortal Proxy – Gazeless
Mortal Proxy: Gazeless. Illustrated by Ciona, colored by Kelly Fitzpatrick, lettered by Deron Bennett (who also designed the series logo) and written by Eugene Ward. This marks the first of some free short comics published exclusively to this blog! There will be more from Mortal Proxy -- and hopefully some other worlds too -- so watch this space.
Dro Carey – Monomiles Feat. Chocolate & Kid Kairo
Thump has just premiered a video clip for one of the tracks from my latest EP, "Club Injury Handbook," released this month on Greco-Roman. The video for "Monomiles" comes from Aidan Keogh, who has previously created clips for Polographia, Fishing and Alison Wonderland. The track is a collaboration with two MCs from Sydney's Lion Mountain Studio, a community project based in Marrickville. Lion Mountain uses some of Radio Skid Row's facilities, and is supported by the Metro Migrant Resource Centre, Marrickville Youth Resource Centre and MusicNSW. While it was initiated by Sydney's Sierra Leonean community, the Studio works with people from
Ritual – RTL 301.2202.67
Ritual is a collaborative project from Tom Smith (AKA Thomas William) and Hamish Dixon (1/2 of Cliques, and AKA 48/4). This is one of the first completed tracks from the project. It's great to get something so rhythmically intense to work with as it allows you to take a really aggressive approach and engage with experimental edit and design decisions. I employed a lot of intense cutting and strobing, with certain image flashes corresponding to specific sounds (eg. the rewind FX sound and the snare drum "trigger" specific images/footage). The frame timing has to be precise when you try to pair
Browser Photography (2014)
This was something quick that I completed over the weekend. I felt a bit of an urge to keep up my work on screen music and sound design. This video was created by opening a very large image in a browser window and "panning" across the image using screen capture software and the scroll bars of the window. I cut this pan into a loop and I then blended that sequence in various ways. There was a natural rhythm to the edit that was defined by the scrolling loop. I then employed the trusty functions of Digital Performer to mark
MD5 Series – Part 1
This is a new personal work and the full title is actually "a7ab0c43c548aa19146b3b52bdf77f61" - which is the MD5 code generated for the word 'White.' Possible subsequent videos in the series will be titled with similar MD5 hashes, corresponding to 'Link' and 'Recordings' respectively. The combined phrase - 'White Link Recordings' - is the name of a fictional record label, which I posit to have existed from roughly 1989 - 2000, and the music included in the sound design of the video series is presented in the form of three discrete DJ sets comprising selections from the discography of the record
Mirror – Trial
When I was in London in October last year I met up with Sam Purcell. Sam is head of the Blank Mind record label, where, alongside 12"s from DJ Clent and Alan Johnson, he has released his own music as DANCE. We ended up organising a studio session and we completed what would become the first track by a collaborative project we'd later dub Mirror. This track became "Trialone," I guess in reference to the 'trial' status of our collaboration. The process that day was interesting compared to my typical approach because it was recorded live, through a combination of